People Speaking: 15
The 'NewˎMotorcar
A: The ˋJoneses | have 'got a new ˋcar.
ðə ˋʤəʊnzɪz | əv 'gɒt ə njuː ˋkɑː.
B: ˏˋHave they, indeed. 'What ˎmodel is it, dear.
ˏˋhæv ðeɪ, ɪndiːd. 'wɒt ˎmɒdl ɪz ɪt, dɪə.
A: Oh, `I don’t ˏknow. `It’s a 'pale `blue.
əʊ, ˋaɪ dəʊnt ˏnəʊ. ˋɪts ə 'peɪl ˋbluː.
B: ˏWell, `well. 'Old 'Ted ˎis a dark horse.
ˏwel, ˋwel. 'əʊl 'ted ˋɪz ə dɑːk hɔːs.
A: `How’s `that, then?
ˋhaʊz ˋðæt, ðen.
B: I was 'only `talking ˏcars with him | the 'other `night.
aɪ wəz 'əʊni ˋtɔːkɪŋ ˏkɑːz wɪð ɪm | ði 'ʌðə ˋnaɪt.
A: And he 'didn’t `ˏmention it?
ən i 'dɪdnt ˋˏmenʃn ɪt?
B: Not a `word.
nɒt ə ˋwɜːd.
A: 'How 'long had they had the `old one?
'haʊ 'lɒŋ | əd ðeɪ hæd ði ˋəʊld wʌn.
B: ˏNot a day over 'two `years, I’m ˋpositive.
ˏnɒt ə deɪ əʊvə 'tuː ˋjɜːz, aɪm ˋpɒzətɪv.
A: `Well! 'That’s ˊ`one way we ˌshan't be ˌable to keep ˌup with them.
ˋwel. 'ðæts ˊˋwʌn weɪ wi ˌʃɑːnt bi ˌeɪbl tə kiːp ˌʌp wɪð ðəm.