Hasn't Hans got a perfect accent./ˊhaznt ˏˎhanz | gɒt ə ˈpɜːfɪkt ˎaksnt / [1]
No-one thinks he isn't an Englishman./ ˋnəʊwʌn θɪŋks hi ˋɪznt (ə)n ˊˋˏɪŋglɪʃmən/ [2]
Mm. I'm not too sure, then that I'd call his accent perfect./ ˋm. aɪm ˈnɒt ˈtuː ˋˏʃɔː ðen | ðət aɪd ˈkɔːl ɪz aksnt ˋpɜfɪkt. [3]
Why not?/ ˈwaɪ ˋnɒt / [4]
Well the trouble is, you see, in a way, he's going round fooling people./ ˋwel ðə ˈtrʌbl ˋɪz ju ˏsiː ˈɪn ə ˋˏweɪ | ˈhiz | gəʊɪŋ raʊnd ˋfuːlɪŋ piːpl / [5]
Unintentionally of course. It's not his fault./ ˋʌnɪnˋˏtenʃnli, əv ˋkɔːs | ˋ-ɪts nɒt ˋhɪz ˏfɔːlt / [6]
Not exactly. But I'd say that the perfect English accent / `nɒt ɪg`ˏzakli | bət ˈaɪd ˈseɪ | ðə ˋpɜːfɪkt ɪŋglɪʃ aksnt | [7]
for a German to have is one that sounds German but so slightly [8] fər ə ˋʤɜːmən tə ˏhav | ɪz wʌn ðət ˋˏsaʊndz ʤɜːmən | bət ˈsəʊ ˋˏslaɪtli
that people forget all about it and only notice what he's saying [9] ðət ˈpiːpl fəget ɔːl əˋˏbaʊt ɪt | ən ˈəʊnli ˈnəʊtɪs| wɒt iz ˋseɪɪŋ